Top Row: Nick Seselja, Joshua Whicker, Gerard Cummins, James Hay, Phillippe Cummins, Trevor Tibbertsma, Patrick McCabe, Peter Meli, Michael Connelly, Samuel Clear, Timothy Fitzwilliam, Kristen Toohey
Middle Row: Emilie Ng, Martin Firth, Jeremy Yuen, Amanda Kalauta, Christina Howe, James Richards, Jacob Fulop, Mauricio Merino Jnr, Francis Bastoli, Felicity Pollard, Michael Toohey, Angela Briggs, Christabel Honeysett
Bottom Row: Trish McCarthy, Christina Asimus, Catherine Supple, Ruth Hornerman, Rebecca Collins, Courtney Chircop, Catherine Collins, Ellen Boorer, Hayley Fraser, Shahenie Burns, Steve Toohey
“I knew I would regret it if I didn’t spend a year on youth Mission Team. I was so captivated by the team members when l first met them. They were young people who had this amazing faith. It’s different when you see it and hear it from another young person - you actually believe it!”