Back Row: Audrey Dean, Henrietta Brennan nee Harris, Matthew Brookes, Carla Brookes nee Whitelock
Front Row: Simon Nye, Selina Hasham, Steve Toohey (National Director/Team Manager)
EST. 1986
Back Row: Marty Firth, Nana Howard, Chris Brennan (Team Leader), Henrietta Brennan nee Harris, Rebecca Von Perger nee Gardner
Front Row: Erica Carulli, John Harris, Paul Whitely
EST. 1991
“Joining the Youth Mission Team was a great surprise to me. I didn’t really know chat the team was about, all I knew was chat the Lord had put a very strong call on my heart to defer my Uni studies and come and work for Him. It was an amazing experience to go to Mass each day, to pray and laugh and work with other young Catholics and to realize through all of this the depth of God’s love for me. I realized that He wanted me to pray to Him more, to learn His wonderful will for my life. My first year on team was the most significant year of my life. Truly, one of the incredible memories of the year was seeing the way the Holy Spirit moved in young hearts; in schools, on weekends, in every team members’ heart. ”