7 ways I can tell you’re a person of integrity…
Have you ever seen someone do something that made you think ‘wow…that’s impressive’…? Not in a showy, look-at-me kind of way, but actually kind of the opposite. Integrity often shows through in simple little actions that you don’t expect that reveal something about the person you maybe didn’t realise was there.
Integrity, like it’s close relative, authenticity, is not something that can be faked or done just to gain attention. Yet, when you see it in action, it automatically causes you to stop and take notice.
So, are you a person of integrity? Here’s some standout examples of integrity I’ve seen in my time …
1. You just offered to pay for something you broke.
In Year 9 my friend Bianca broke my sunnies and gave me $15 to get some new ones. The fact that I remember this so many years later on should speak for itself. (I’m actually a little bit embarrassed that I accepted the money, though…was that a bit scabby?)
2. You just politely disagreed with me.
While most of my friends are my friends because they agree with everything I say, I have one particular friend who has a beautiful, gentle way of putting across her point when she doesn’t agree. I actually really respect this about her and know that I’ll always get the truth from her mouth, not just what I would like to hear.
3. You took the time to say hello to someone who was left out.
If I’m at an event and I see someone do this out of the corner of my eye, I actually find it soinspiring that I struggle to maintain the conversation I’m in because I’m too busy thinking what a lovely and honourable yet simple thing I have just witnessed.
4. You just said ‘yes’ when you wanted to say ‘no’ (…or said ‘no’ when you wanted to say ‘yes’…)
There’s a young dad I know who has the most cheerful way of saying ‘yes’ to just about anything his wife or kids ask of him. The way he is able to adjust from what he is doing to whatever others need is pretty incredible to watch. Equally, when I hear people give a good old solid ‘no’ to a request they can’t fulfil, I actually admire their ability to be honest and upfront rather than say a begrudging ‘yes’ and feel resentful about it later.
5. You corrected a mistake I made, face-to-face and one-on-one.
When someone upsets us in some way, there are often plenty of quite unhelpful ways we prefer to respond. Some of our favourites would include a) getting angry at them in front of others, b) whinging about them behind their back or c) saying that everything is fine, when really you’re absolutely fuming. Even though confrontation can be hard and daunting, people with integrity know that tackling issues directly, reasonably and privately is always the better option.
6. You donated to my latest fundraising cause (even if it was only $5.)
$5 spent in this way is a big show of support. If you’ve bothered to make the time to contribute in order to support someone else and a cause that means a lot to them, it says a lot about your thoughtfulness and care for others.
7. You just affirmed your Mum.
You didn’t pay her out, or roll your eyes or use that tone of voice that we somehow (no matter how old we are) reserve for the one woman who has probably done more for us than any other on the planet. This shouldn’t be rare or impressive, but, there you go, it is.
As I’m sure you’ve worked out, there are actually heaps and heaps of ways that show you’re a person of integrity. Hopefully these few little examples have inspired you to be a person of integrity today and have opened up your eyes to the people around you who are shining examples of this, too!
Berna has spent the past 8 years working with young people in schools, parishes and youth ministry around Australia. She’s studied media, marketing, theology and teaching at uni. Berna loves travelling, movies, dinner parties and reading in the sun but her main passion in life is sharing the gift of faith with others, and especially young people. She’s originally from Adelaide, but currently lives in Melbourne in her fourth year as an MGL Sister. Berna contributes to the “Girl on Fire” section of the iSTAND Generation Blog.